Step 1 of 3

This application consists of three parts: the Primary Application (the page you’re on now), a Confidentiality Agreement, and a Release Authorization. YOU MUST COMPLETE ALL THREE FORMS to be considered for employment with SCK.

At the end of each form you will be automatically redirected to the next form. Continue until you come to a “THANK YOU” page.

General Application

Personal Info

Education History

FOR EACH SCHOOL: Include school name(s), City, State, if you graduated if not last level completed (1,2,3,4), and degree or certificate received.

Work Histroy

Include start and end dates (month and year). Company name, phone number, address, and immediate supervisor. Job title, job status (full-time, part-time, PRN), number of hours worked per week, salary. If your name has changed, include name while employed, summarize the nature of work performed and job responsibilities, and reason for leaving.

Professional References

Please do not list relatives as references. Provide name, company, position, address including City & State, work & home phone, and # of years known.

Professional License

Professional Certifications

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