SCKMC Volunteers Recognized

The South Central Kansas Medical Center Annual Auxiliary Awards Luncheon was held on Tuesday, April 10th. The event is used to recognize those members who have shown an outstanding commitment to the hospital throughout the past year.
April 12, 2018

Arkansas City, KS – The South Central Kansas Medical Center Annual Auxiliary Awards Luncheon was held on Tuesday, April 10th. The event is used to recognize those members who have shown an outstanding commitment to the hospital throughout the past year. With over three-dozen active members, the organization provided a substantial impact to the hospital in 2017.

            Hospital Board of Trustee Chair, Carol Hearne began the event by addressing the room filled with the traditional pink smocks or red jackets.

     “On behalf of the Board for South Central Kansas Medical Center, I would like to say thank you for all that you do. You are definitely the cheerleaders of the hospital, the face of the hospital, and we know that without your support there are a lot of things that wouldn’t get done.

     Walking into the lobby there is always a smiling face. And when you are not feeling good there is somebody there to cheer you up a little bit. It’s because of each and every one of you,” Hearne said.

Auxiliary members are recognized with certificates or lapel pins depending upon the number of hours volunteered throughout the year. Virgil Watson, SCKMC’s Chief Executive Officer presented the awards.


     “You are our ambassadors to the community. We have been through a lot of changes, and we have more to come in the near future. It takes all of us to keep this hospital going. I want you to be recognized for that. I thank all of you for what you do and the services that you provide,” Watson said.

Members receiving certificates of appreciation were Marsha Hicks, Dorothy Owen, and Barbara Walker.

The following members were recognized for volunteering 100 hours of service to the hospital: Mary Akers, Fern Knocke, Dorothy Owen, Sandy Day, Kathy McKimens, Neal Paisley, Anita Green, Myrna Merz, Maxine Soule, Gary Humiston, Dee Dee Moore, Kathleen Walker, and Linda Humiston.   

The following members were recognized for volunteering 200 hours of service to the hospital: Alice Anzelmo, Bud Kendrick, Judy Wampler, Jan Bartel, and Sue Killman.

The following members were recognized for volunteering 300 hours of service to the hospital: Helen Bossi, Gloria Hull, Jackie Shaffer, Judy Day Trenary, Sue Kruger, and Sharon Shelton.

     The following members were recognized for volunteering 400 hours: Rose Anstine and Myrtle Posey.

The following members were recognized for volunteering 500 hours of service to the hospital: JoAnn Baker, Leslie Sherman, Sara Ward, Elrea Mullen, and Deloris Walker.

The top three volunteers for 2017 were Marilyn Tracy with 600 hours, Janet Emmerson with 700 hours, and Marty Nuckels who volunteered 1,000 hours.

     Auxiliary President JoAnn Baker concluded the luncheon by presenting hospital Chief Financial Officer Holly Harper with a check for $3,500 to be used to purchase equipment and furnishings for the facility.

            “I want to thank all of my ladies and my gentlemen for all the work they do to help us. I really appreciate you. I think we did a really good job. We did 11,393 hours of volunteer work this last year,” Baker said.

The SCKMC Auxiliary volunteer their time at the medical center’s gift shop, information desk, and various other departments throughout the facility. They also volunteer their time to create items for craft bazaars, bake sales, and other fundraisers. Anyone interested in joining the hospital Auxiliary should contact Dee Dee Moore, Membership Chair, at (620) 741-1954 for more information.

Photo: South Central Kansas Medical Center Auxiliary members celebrate the more than 11,000 hours donated to the hospital in 2017. Marty Nuckels (left) was honored by Auxiliary President JoAnn Baker as the volunteer who donated the most hours in 2017, with over 1,000 hours.

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