The SCK Health Pharmacy is fully staffed with highly qualified pharmacists and technicians all available to take care of you while you are here with us.
Our Pharmacists work diligently to cross check drug interaction, keep our inventory well stocked, and monitor patients medications.
340b Pharmacy Services
Congress created the 340B Drug Pricing Program in 1992 to protect safety-net hospitals from escalating drug prices by allowing them to purchase outpatient drugs at a discount from manufacturers. The program provides communities with access to life-saving services at no cost to taxpayers because the financial support comes from manufacturer discounts. Hospitals often use the savings they receive to provide services to low-income and uninsured patients.
What is a Safety-Net Hospital?
Safety-net hospitals (SNHs) are hospitals with high numbers of inpatient stays that are covered by Medicaid or were self-pay. SCK Health considers it our responsibility to provide quality care to everyone in our communities.
You can find more information about our Insurance, Medicaid, and payment policies by clicking below.